Idk how to make sentences the info is in my head but even I do not know all of it, my brain is holding back.
I am just going to throw stuff out maybe it'll make sense, if it doesn't you got to learn more :D:
*Type 1 has a tendancy to go on forever so don't go against it unless you know what you are doing. Very stupid to average in when going against this.
An explosive move down is likely, and the magic trick here is to scam noobs, retail funds institutions I don't care they're all noobs, that FOMO as we break a new high, or get stopped.
Whether there is an entry up there or not is basically random to me. Going down is not.
This is the idea. Random movements on the 15 minutes chart can provide an entry with very high RR to a trade that isn't random.
I think there is going to be alot of interesting action with NZD & AUD in the next months. GBP & JPY a bit too. And gold eventually, maybe later.
Short it, Hold it, Get out and run away with it.