Home > Trading Notices > Statement of Clarification: EMXPRO Limited has no relationship with the website m.emboronline.com/#/index
Statement of Clarification: EMXPRO Limited has no relationship with the website m.emboronline.com/#/index
2022-04-29 10:33:58
Recently, it has come to our attention that the website m.emboronline.com/#/index has claimed it was the website of EMPEROR Xpro and was possible to open an account and conduct transactions with EMPEROR Xpro for customers through the LINE official account (named emperor service), which induces people to believe that it has a relationship with the Group.
We hereby declare that the Group and any subsidiary of the Group are in no way affiliated to the above page and party, and do not have LINE official accounts.
We are greatly concerned that the reputation of our company has been taken advantage of and used to mislead the public for making profit. We urge the public to take caution and hereby reserve the rights to take legal actions in this regard.
If you require further information, please contact our customer service team at: